Quieter Home Program

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has determined that certain homes around the airport may be eligible for sound insulation improvements to minimize aircraft noise inside the home. The Louisville Regional Airport Authority (LRAA), working with the FAA and C&S Engineers, has created the QuieterHome® Program to administer these improvements.

How It Works

The program offers eligible participants sound‐insulation improvements to reduce aircraft‐generated noise within the home. Depending on interior noise levels within individual homes, the improvements may include new acoustical windows, prime doors, and, in certain cases, a new continuous positive ventilation system. These improvements will allow homeowners to enjoy quieter living within their home while sleeping, watching television, talking on the phone and interacting with family and friends.

Program Funding

The FAA and the LRAA fund the entire cost. The LRAA qualifies (and regularly applies) for federal funds for the program from the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program. FAA funding is from aviation user fees, such as airline tickets and aircraft fuel sales. The airport user fees pay for the LRAA’s share of the program cost. No general tax dollars are used to pay for this program.


The FAA determines eligibility based on the level of aircraft noise impacting the home. The program is implemented in groups based on available funding. Homeowners currently in eligible areas of the Louisville QuieterHome® Program will be contacted by the QuieterHome® project office. If you have questions on program eligibility, please contact the project manager at the number listed below.

Project Office

The QuieterHome® Program has set up a project office and display room to allow visitors to see and touch many of the materials utilized in the program. The project office, located in the Bowman Business Center at 2700 Moran Avenue, Suite A, Louisville, KY. Please call for an appointment to visit the display room and meet with project staff.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions, or would like more information, please contact the QuieterHome® Program’s project manager at (502) 636‐2448. Click here to view eligible areas.