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Public Notice of PFC Filing
March 9, 2020
Re: Louisville Regional Airport Authority’s notice for public comment prior to submitting PFC Application number 20‐14‐C‐00‐SDF at the Louisville International Airport to the Federal Aviation Administration.
The Louisville Regional Airport Authority (Authority) is posting this public notice as part of the passenger facility charge (PFC) application process under 14 CFR § 158.24 for the Louisville International Airport (Airport). As part of this procedure, the Authority is providing the following information:
The Authority will seek a PFC with the following characteristics:
- PFC level: The Authority will be submitting an application to impose and use a PFC of $4.50 at the Airport to fund the projects described below at the Airport.
- Estimated Total PFC Revenue (Impose and Use) under this application: $9,634,000.
- Proposed charge effective date: September 1, 2021, (the estimated authorized charge expiration date for approved PFC applications, as amended) or upon expiration of collection of PFCs for currently approved applications, whichever comes first.
- Estimated charge expiration date: April 1, 2023, (or until collected revenues plus interest thereon equal the allowable costs of the approved projects, as permitted by regulation).
These dates are estimated based on PFC collections and expenditures as of September 30, 2019; estimated enplanements for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 at the Airport; projections of future enplanements assuming two percent annual enplaned passenger growth and 91 percent collectability on enplaned passengers.
As required under 14 CFR § 158.24, the Authority will be accepting public comments on the proposed PFC Application for thirty days after the March 9, 2020, date of posting this public notice on our Internet Web site. Any comments should be sent to Mr. Dan Mann, Executive Director, Louisville Regional Airport Authority, 700 Administration Drive, Louisville, KY 40209‐ 0129. If there are any questions regarding this proposed PFC application, Mr. Mann can also be reached at (502) 368‐6524.
1. Upgrade Terminal Passenger Transportation
Description: This project includes the phased replacement and modernization of nineteen (19) elevators, six (6) escalators, and two (2) moving walkways that provide service to the traveling public within Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport as shown on the attached list. All elevators being replaced and/or modernized have operated beyond their useful life. Four (4) of the elevators were originally installed in 1997 while the remaining fifteen (15) were originally installed in 1989 or before. Ten (10) of the elevators are not used for passenger movement and therefore will be funded by other local funds. The nine (9) elevators proposed for PFC funding are identified on the attached exhibits as elevators numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17. Four (4) sets of escalators provide ingress for passengers entering the terminal building and provide access to the baggage claim level of the terminal. These were installed in 1997. The remaining two (2) escalators provide service to passengers between the baggage claim and ticketing/gate/holdroom levels of the terminal and were originally installed in 1985. The project will not require an adjustment to the escalator area footprint. The moving walkways are located in the terminal connector, post‐security and provide service to passengers between the security checkpoint and the A and B Concourses and were originally installed in 1989. Project costs include engineering, materials, and installation and removal/disposal of existing equipment. The location of the project elements and additional equipment descriptions are shown on the attached exhibits.
Justification: Accordance to FAA Order 5100.38D Airport Improvement Program Handbook,– the minimum useful life for building equipment is 10 years. The age of the existing equipment proposed for replacement and modernization ranges between 22 and 34 years. Due to age and obsolescence, all of this equipment is experiencing routine break downs. Their age also makes it extremely difficult to find replacement parts and the Authority is experiencing increasing costs for maintenance and excessive periods of downtime.
Total Project Cost: $13,000,000
FAA AIP Grant: None
LRAA Funding: $3,366,000
PFC Funding: $9,634,000
PFC Amount: $4.50
Start Date: June 2019
Completion Date: December 2023

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